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Showing posts from December, 2020

Christianity and Nihilism: The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of my Christian Faith

 I came across this interesting article today called Sunny Nihilism: 'Since I discovered I'm worthless my life has felt precious'.  About five years ago, I went through a battle with my faith and found myself with only two logical and rational options: nihilism (al la Fredrich Nietzsche) or Biblical Christianity. If God, specifically a personal God, did not exist, then I was as the article put it, a lump of meat on a floating rock. If I was a lump of meat on a floating rock, then nothing I did mattered, and the adage of, "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die", was the only consistent worldview left.  Think about the implications of that for someone raised in the church. I would no longer have to follow the rules. I would no longer have to attend church. I did not need to be kind to those who were unkind to me. I did not have to refrain from all the "fun stuff", because it doesn't matter! I don't have to think about anyone else at all bec