When our children are young rules are pretty straight forward. Don't touch the stove. Don't jump on the couch. Don't stick that fork in the socket. They are largely designed around the physical protection of our children and for the most part, children don't question the rule even if they are willing to push the boundaries of it. It is a whole different story when they become teens. I remember when my children started asking me to validate my rules for them. I am going to be honest, at first, I was pretty irritated. "Why is this a rule?" "Because I said so, that's why!" Oh, I was indignant. How dare she question my rules. That rule is for her protection. I know why I made that rule. I made that rule because...umm...I made that rule because...Crap. I don't know why I made that rule. Oh, oh! I bet I made that rule because there is scriptural precedent for it. *Rushes off to look up scripture*. There is none. Great. I made a rule and I h...